This is going to be a bit of a different post then you are used too. Huge disclaimer: this is not a sob story. I am more just sharing my experience. I know I have some younger followers or people who can relate to this. II will not forget the last Friday. There was much talk about what was going to happen, I did not think that they would shut down the school, but they did. It was that bad. It was not until months later we would get any work. So it was nice not having to worry about high school for a bit. We did work but it was pointless; the school district was not prepared for a worldwide pandemic. I wanted to take college classes for my senior year to have a better chance at college registration. Though my brother, I learned a lot about the ins and outs of how to do school. I also remember my Spanish teacher from my sophomore year saying that Community college is hard to get your general ed because everyone needs it. To be honest, I thought I was more prepared than I was. I only took an honors chemistry course; I knew if I wanted to be a chemist, I needed to challenge myself. I honestly changed what I wanted to be so many times. I thought I wanted to be a dermatologist, esthetician, aromatherapist, etc. As far as that goes, that was the only "advanced class" I took. It was a huge adjustment, to say the least, for college. I know that I need to count my blessing, but I was able before the pandemic hit, get the college experience. For some more context on why I took college classes during high school, a friend of mine wanted to skip our senior year and go straight to college. We only really needed two classes to graduate, so it felt pointless to stay. The plan ended up not working because we needed to take an English class and econ class over the summer to do that. We would miss out on senior activities; little did we know, we would anyway. Since I was 18, I was able to apply to college classes and then only have four period instead of a normal 6, got to go home early, and it was amazing! She was not able to, but she was able to do the job experience. I got to be home by 12:45. With that, I did take my college history class for granted. I ended up getting a B, which I am happy with. However, it set me up for my next class, thinking I could do the same, and I was wrong about that. Flash forward to the next semester, where I was taking Anthropology. That was one of the hardest classes I have taken. I got an A my freshman year for biology, but it was not my favorite subject. If you don't know, it is a cross between a history class and a biology class. I did learn a lot, but it was way over my head. I ended up with a C in the class, and I am okay with that. Since it was a fully online class, it did not change when the pandemic hit. Towards the end, I had to do high school work also. Overall it was hard to manage both as they were on such different levels. One of the classes I was taking was a TA for the Human Physiology and Anatomy teacher. I got to learn a lot through observation. It was a really good experience. Then I had Medical Terminology, English, and American Government. Medical Terminology was supposed to be a college level class which really added onto the load and not to mention the crazy teacher but that is another story. I did end up learning a lot form that class and made some good relationship with the underclassmen. English, the teacher was very laid back. The first semester we had Economies and I loved it. The second part was Government which I did not like. When we had to do it with distance learning, It was tough to get that work done. I ended up with straight A's because the assignments only helped my grade since they could not fail anyone. It leads me to some nasty habits that also affected me for my first semester. Am I sad that I did not get to fully end my senior year with all of the normal actives, yes. It honesty was tough for me to put a close on it. It did not really fully hit me until I was in my first official week of college. It still is a little sad to think about it now. Now I am just going to reflect on high school thought each year. Freshman year, wow, it honestly was the best. It was quite magical. I did the absolute most. I was able to do all the high school actives to get the experience. I realized that I wouldn't say I liked the dances. To be fair, I was always awkward. It helped a lot that my brother was a senior. So I had someone I knew. A lot of the people that were at my elementary I got to see. I got to see my close friends a lot. They also played volleyball, so I made many friends from that too. I played volleyball in 6th-8th grade. Since there was not a boys' volleyball, I had to start the team. That is a whole other story, but to keep it simple, even though I made the team, I never made it. I was able to help, and in my junior year, I was able to coach at my elementary that I couched at. I was also cool because the players that I couched I saw around. I was a senior, and they were freshmen. My high school has a Health and Medical Program. It was its first year, so we did not fully know what we were going into. I am honestly so glad I did. It was such a great experience. I got to learn about many different jobs and a lot of practical skills. It definitely helped me develop my love for science and helping people. I mean, with cosmetic chemistry, at the end of the day, you are making people feel more confident. Makeup did that for me. Towards the end, I made a really good friend that would be throughout high school. I know we learned so much from each other. I have always been the person that you can always come to me if you need someone to talk to. My sophomore year was challenging academically. I had zero period PE, chemistry, Spanish 2, world history, English, Heath Concepts, and Geometry. It was a lot. I did significantly less than my freshman year in terms of extracurriculars, still went to volleyball games. I think it was until the summer of my sophomore year that I created my Instagram account to come to all of this. I am so grateful for it bouse it was a great creative outlet for me. My junior year was easy, but I had health problems, so it was hard mentally. Also, at the end of the year, we had a plot twist. The teachers that we had for all three years both got positions elsewhere. That was super hard. We had them as a teacher for three years. I got it when we figured out everything else. What I am proud of: It was cool to be the first to graduate from the Health and Medical Academy. I was able to do college and high school. I started a business while in high school. Start the boys' Volleyball team at my high school. Coach at my elementary during my junior year. I was able to build a lot of friends ships in high school in person and online. I got the confidence to post makeup looks. I am glad that I was able to take two years of Spanish and a year of Art. I am so happy that I, my Economics teacher, was a marketing major. It inspired me to talk about it in college. I am glad I could get a lot of the high school experience in my freshman year and then realized that it was slightly over ratted. I managed to get good grades thought out of high school while learning and applying that knowledge. Writing all this out has made me release all that I have accomplished. I do not want to come off cocky. Again this post is just a reflection, and my purpose is to help someone else going thought the same thing about; it was really hard, and I felt super alone. My message to the people who have had a similar experience or are going through it now, i is just a hard time. We are going to get through this. We are living in history. It does suck, but we can sit here and complain about how it could have played out or try to make it with it what we can. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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September 2024